
My practice is mobile and I offer both home visits and online appointments.

We are contracted out of medical aid and require payment at the consultation or via EFT. Invoices can then be submitted to medical aid for claims. 

What to expect:

This appointment is to gather information, explore more about your journey thus far and do an assessment. We will discuss your current lifestyle, symptoms, medications, stressors and dietary intake. We will work together to create a pattern of eating that will work for you. If you have the time prior to your appointment, think and make some notes about your eating patterns. The first individual consultations will be 60 minutes. 

It will take more than one appointment to get your eating patterns right for you. A follow up appointment can be a few weeks after the initial visit depending on your need. This session will review symptoms and assess your progress. We will do further education and support as needed. Follow up consultations are 30 minutes.

The low FODMAP diet was first developed by researchers at Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia. It is a second line 3 step diet used to help manage the symptoms of medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a common gut problem with symptoms like tummy pain, bloating, wind and changes in bowel habits. 

FODMAPs are sugars that aren’t absorbed properly in the gut, triggering symptoms in people with IBS. We offer a program on how to follow a low FODMAP diet.

This involves learning which foods you tolerate and which trigger symptoms. Then assess which symptoms are sensitive to FODMAPs. Over 4 sessions we will cover the following: 

Session 1: We meet for an appointment and go through exactly how to follow the low FODMAP diet. This include how to practically follow the low FODMAP diet, read labels and meal plan. 

Session 2: We have a check in appointment to see that you are comfortable with the low FODMAP diet and answer any questions. 

Session 3: Re-introduction of FODMAPs. We meet to show the systematic approach on how to re-introduce FODMAPS in a structured way to determine your exact food triggers. 

Session 4: Once we know the results from the re-introduction, we can modify your diet without unnecessary restriction.